The fourth and final Annex 79 newsletter is now available here.
IEA EBC Annex 79 10th and final Expert Meeting, Aachen, Germany, June. 8-9, 2023

IEA EBC Annex 79 9th Expert Meeting, Singapore, September 22-23, 2022

The third Annex 79 newsletter is now available here.
IEA EBC Annex 79 Subtask 4 Online Seminar - Horror stories from case studies (January 17th, 2022)
As part of the IEA EBC Annex 79 seminar series, members of Subtask 4 invited researchers and practitioners to engage in a panel discussion focusing on the hidden side of case studies in OCC research. This event took place on January 17th, 2022, and was moderated by Connor Brackley (PhD student at Concordia University) and Lucile Sarran (Indoor climate specialist at VELUX).
The panel was made up of seven experts from both academia and industry:
- June Young Park - Assistant professor at the University of Texas at Arlington
- Babette Peulicke - Energy Anthropologist at the Danish Technological Institute
- Isabella Gaetani - Senior Scientist at Arup
- Magdalena Baborska-Narożny - Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
- Runa Hellwig - Professor at Aalborg University (CREATE Integrated Architecture group)
- Giorgia Spigliantini - Research and Innovation project manager at RINA Consulting S.p.a.
- Philip Agee - Assistant professor at Virginia Tech
The topics covered included: Occupant-centric building design and operation - what it is and what it is not? What is the status of industry today, and what is missing? Hot topics on human-centric controls, and looking forward – practical advice and methods.
The second Annex 79 newsletter is now available here.
As of June 2019, Annex 79 has been approved for a three-year working phase!
To keep the Annex 79 community up to date on relevant conferences and other events, we maintain a database here.
The eigth Annex 79 is taking place on March 29-30, 2022.

The first preparation phase meeting of Annex 79 took place in Ottawa on October 11 and 12, 2018. 49 delegates from 16 countries participated. The summary slides can be found here. Meanwhile, Annex 66 and 79 wrote a joint article in the Fall 2018 IBPSA Newsletter.